One of my favorite exercises from the book "The Energy of Money" is writing a money auto-biography. You write about your history with money - your experiences, your thoughts and feelings about money - at different times in your life. When you're finished, you look over your auto-biography and see if there is a theme.
My money auto-biography was 14 pages long - I have alot of history with money :D When I looked for a theme, I could see that for most of my life, I felt enslaved to money. It was my master and I felt I had no freedom.
In contrast, for a number of years in my late 30's, I was making alot of money and was able to free myself from the master/slave relationship with money. I didn't have to worry about money any more. So I didn't - I just went unconscious around money and paid minimal attention to it.
Only recently, having done alot of personal growth and work around my relationship with money & my beliefs around money, has my relationship with money been transformed. I never thought it was possible, but money is now my ally - an energy at my disposal to flow in the direction of my Soul's desires.
Money was a big, gnarly, scary dragon that I thought I had to slay. Imagine my surprise when I discovered I could befriend the dragon, climb on its back, and ride into the heavens!
How would you describe your relationship with money?
If it is less than what you would like it to be, consider joining me for an insightful, transforming adventure in the Energy of Money Book Club. If you do the work, your relationship with money WILL change. You don't have to take my word for it - you can try out the book club for 2 weeks before committing. Click Here to Register
Whatever you choose, know that money can be your ally!
Wishing you overflowing abundance and prosperity,
Lauren Lee