"I Wonder..." two powerful words. Have you ever noticed how sometimes you wonder about something and then like magic, it manifests in your life? And other times, you focus and intend and desire and nothing seems to happen? I noticed this in my own life and in others. I was curious as to the difference between the two. Are you? The quick manifestation occurs when we're in a place of wonder, of curiousity, of imagining and we're *without* attachment to how or when it's going to show up. For me this would most often occur when I was driving home from my corporate job and brain-dumping the day. I'd think "Wouldn't it be nice to have some fresh flowers in my home" or "Wouldn't it be great to get a surprise from my Sweetie". And those things would show up in the most amazing ways and usually within 24 hours. Recently during a coaching session, the difference between the easy manifesting and the not-so-easy manifesting was the two words "I wonder", as in, "I wonder how I might find my ideal clients". And almost as if by magic, answering the phone brought the perfect client to her. What if you were to harness the power of "I Wonder..." or "Wouldn't if be nice if..." to *transform* your intentions in the areas where you have yet to manifest what you desire? For example, "I wonder what it would be like to make $10,000 a month" or "I wonder what my lifestyle would be like as an active, healthy person". Are you willing to try it? If so, let me know your experience :D In Spirit, Lauren