If you received value from the information on this site; and would like to support the cause by making a donation, please use one of the options below. The amount of your contribution is your choice, whatever you're inspired to contribute.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
Your donation affirms my purpose, my mission and my calling to make a difference and to leave the world a better place. It inspires me to reach more women and remind them who they TRULY ARE!
Thank you for visiting, thank you for reading, thank you for the glorious Spirit that you are!
In Gratitude,
To leave a donation via PayPal, MasterCard, or VISA, please click here:
To send a donation via check, money order, or cash, please use the following mailing address:
Lauren Lee
2668 Hwy 36 South Ste 307
Brenham, TX 77833
Please make checks payable to Lauren Lee
Thank you for your support and encouragement!