Some wisdom is timeless. Having recently rediscovered this article and finding it a pleasant reminder, I thought you might enjoy the reminder too. In Spirit, Lauren
Reprinted from October 2007:
Part of my metamorphosis has involved a deepening relationship with my body. Meaning, I've been trying to make sense of all that's been going on with it since this releasing/healing began :D
I often talk about growth periods with my coaching clients, because while our Spirit is timeless and can change instantly, our bodies have to process the change in the physical world.
So my body said "Tell them what metamorphosis is like to a body"... Maybe you would like to know what a growth period, a period of intense change, looks like on a day-to-day basis. (Maybe not :D) Be prepared for the good, the bad, and the...ugly.
My growth period has at times looked like:
* Weird sleep patterns or non-sleep patterns (not conforming to a 'normal' pattern)
* Extreme tiredness during normal afternoon 'lull'
* Headaches (UGH)
* Unusual body aches
* Congestion, coughing
* Various transitory aches and pains
* Blurred vision
* Unusual food cravings or boredom with food I normally love
* Surges of energy and times of low-energy
* No creative energy. No Yang energy. Inaction.
* Increase in intuitive hits.
* More awareness of energy - mine and others.
* New approaches to old problems, relationship patterns, etc. just come up out of the blue.
* Keen awareness of how old patterns played out and the underlying beliefs.
While a number of these symptoms could be attributed to other things (illness, planetary changes, etc.) and while I am definitely affected by things happening on a global and stellar level (are you?), all these symptoms can coincide with releasing/restructuring of old (childhood) beliefs ...
So what's the best strategy for handling an intense growth period, you ask?
Taking really good care of your body. Physical care of your body. That means getting extra sleep and rest. Drinking lots of water. Physical movement like walking, dancing, yoga, pilates, and sex. Laughter. Lots of laughter - watch a funny movie, hang out with friends that make you laugh, watch the comedy channel. Baths - healing baths like epsom salts help your body release energy. Massages, flowers, beauty - anything that engages the physical senses.
I joke that sometimes a growth period is a 'gross' period. :D Sometimes...
Here's to your growth and evolution!
In Spirit,
Hello Cheryl -
Thank you for writing and sharing your experiences! We never know how our writing will impact others; and that you benefited from this article is what I hope for.
Our inner critic can be so harsh and unforgiving. It seems to know exactly how to hook us and hurt us. Even though it's original intention may have been to keep us safe, it often does more harm than good. I know for myself, I've watched it keep me from my dreams by stopping me from taking action.
Self-acceptance, self-compassion and ultimately, self-loving are what we need to thrive.
May I offer a suggestion? If so, keep reading... you might consider changing your mantra. Maybe something like "What if I had a really good reason for being/acting this way? What might the reason be?" ... an empowering mantra.
Take care of you...
In Spirit,
Posted by: laurenlee7 | February 16, 2009 at 04:36 PM
Thank you so much for repeating this article. It was a real eye-opener. I've been going through a very intense conscious time of personal growth also. At the same time, I've experienced practically all of the symptoms above. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to understand why I just couldn't carry on as I was before I started this process in December. Don't I know yet that change means changing. I have been very impatience and overly critical with myself. I've lacked the energy to deal with the many external projects that have had the focus of my attention for the last ten years of my life.
My mantra lately has been, 'What's the matter with me?"
I've been fighting a habitual conditioned pattern of being disappointed and overwhelmed when I can't meet the high expectations I set for myself. Part of my change now is to learn self-acceptance and this certainly is providing that opportunity.
I know self care is always the answer to feeling so out of sorts with myself, but your words of compassion for what goes on with our body during times of an intense metamorphosis process is so comforting. Comfort is what I've been seeking, and I'm feeling great relief and validation for my current experiences from your words of wisdom. Thank you, thank you!
Posted by: Cheryl | February 14, 2009 at 12:02 AM