Announcing! Body Knowledge System ™ 12-week TeleClass Series with Stephanie Wood Starts Sept. 12th!
Announcing! Body Knowledge System ™ 12-week TeleClass Series with Stephanie Wood Starts Sept. 12th!
September 06, 2007 in Body | Permalink | Comments (0)
If you travel in the same 'virtual circles' that I do, then this is not the first email about the July 17th meditation that you've received. But if this is the first you've heard about it, I invite you to join in this global meditation of love and light!
I'm a night-owl, but I'm going to drag my butt out of bed at 6am tomorrow morning (yikes!) to meditate with others around the world.
Marianne Williamson commented about this meditation: "I'm going to be doing the "Fire the Grid" meditation on July 17th, and hope you'll join in. "Prayer is the medium of miracles," according to A COURSE IN MIRACLES, and this giant global meditation can amount to an extraordinarily powerful prayer for the healing of the world."
I believe in the power of group energy - I've witnessed it; I've participated in it; I've experienced it. If you're so inspired, please join in meditation on Tuesday, July 17th at 7am Eastern and meditate in your own way (for 1 hour if you can).
"BE the change you wish to see in the world!" - Mahatma Gandhi
Find out more details about this global event at:
In Spirit,
Lauren Lee
July 16, 2007 in service | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: meditation
Celebrating women - their courage, conviction and willingness to step forward, even in the face of danger, and make a difference. Look what we can accomplish together!
Just had to share!
In Spirit,
You know the question. You're asked it from and early age - "What do you want to be when you grow up?" For most of us, the answer changed as we grew up and got older. At different times in my childhood, I wanted to be a wildlife photographer, a journalist, a pianist, or a teacher. Those are the ones I remember, anyway. What did you want to be? Do you remember?
As a child, our answer to that question was fueled by our likes and what made us happy. But when we leave high school, the question takes on a serious tone, doesn't it? If going to college, you're supposed to pick a major - what you want to do for the rest of your life. (
Permit me to rant briefly :) I always thought is was ludicrous to ask an 18 year old that question. How could she or he possibly know the answer to that question? Unless you're one of the lucky few that has known from the beginning the ONE thing you wanted to do, choosing a career is daunting. At 18 yrs old, one hardly has enough life experience to know one's passions. OK, I'm done ranting :)
Instead, our careers or college majors are determined by other factors: money, career growth potential, demand, what our father/family did, etc. It's no wonder the majority of Americans are unhappy with their jobs!
Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a child? (*) The answer(s) could provide insight into your Soul's passions.
On a light-hearted note, I swear my parents got a hold of the Texas A&M University course catalog and tore out all the pages except Engineering degrees. :) These days, I know of a number of degrees that were definitely NOT in my course catalog. Examples: Fine arts (Play with clay), Animal Sciences (play with horses), Medieval Philosophy (who knew?), etc. Maybe people believe it's tough to find work with these degrees - another common factor in choosing a career.
I'm not saying that all these factors shouldn't be considered, but I prefer the approach Deepak Chopra refers to in his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, in the chapter on Dharma: "Everyone has a purpose in life... a unique gift or special talent to give to others. You have a talent that is unique in its expression, so unique that there's no one else alive on this planet that has that talent, or that expression of that talent."
So, are you doing what you wanted to do when you grew up? Are you living your Soul's calling, your heart's yearning?
I am blessed to say that I am. More and more every day. When I teach teleclasses and when I coach women to come back to their center, their power, their strength, their voice, my Spirit soars. And when I connect with an animal; and nurture it back to health - physically and emotionally - and find it a loving, forever home through my local animal rescue, my heart is full.
If you are not doing what you wanted to do when you grew up, why aren't you? What are the reasons you tell yourself?
Are you willing to hear some loving, but tough coaching? If not, stop reading NOW.
The reasons you tell yourself (or others tell you) about why you can't do what you most want are not reasons at all... they're EXCUSES. Breathe. :D
You CAN live your dream work and life - no matter what the excuses you've been told or tell yourself. When you're ready to go for it, ready to bust the programming and the excuses, contact me. I can support you as you make changes in your life. (**)
In Spirit,
(*) - Funny that we were asked what we wanted to BE when we grew up when it would have been more correct to ask what we wanted to DO when we grew up? WHAT you want to BE or WHO you want to BE is a whole different question... and another whole article :)
(**) - Often when we make BIG changes in our lives, our family and friends resist at first and unfortunately, are not initially able to support us. They can't be there for us because the changes we're making push their buttons. I can be your unconditional support and advocate during the transition.
July 03, 2007 in Soul | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: deepak chopra, dream, grow up, spirit, spiritual, success, wisdom
If you have assets worth more than $61,000, you are among the world's richest 10 percent of adults.
Collectively that 10% owns 85 percent of the globe's total wealth.
Here's how the figures breakdown:
>> Richest 1 percent of the world's population owns 40 percent of global assets.
>> Riches 2 percent owns 50 percent.
>> Richest 10 percent owns 85 percent.
>> Poorest 50 percent of the world's population owns less than one percent of global assets.
Feeling less poor now? :D
In Spirit,
From: World Vision - Summer2007
Source: World Institute for Development Economics Research
June 21, 2007 in Prosperity | Permalink | Comments (0)
You know I love sharing with you - especially when it means looking at things from outside the box! I love to wake us up; make us more conscious in our choices, our daily living.
With that said, consider this:
At home, the average American uses 80-100 gallons of water a day:
>> Flushing the toilet: 5 gallans per flush
>> Brusthing teeth with water running: 2 gallons
>> Running the dishwater: 12 gallons
>> Taking a 5 minute shower: 25 gallons
CounterPoint: The average African *family* uses a total of 5 gallons of water a day
Surprised?! I was! :D
Water is life...When a community gains access to clean water, its child mortality drops by half.
From: World Vision Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, World Resources Insitute
>> Be Conscious of how you use water. Don't run the water while brushing your teeth or shaving. Use water-saving shower heads and use gray water (shower, dishwather) for watering your lawn and garden. When I lived in California during the 7 year drought, I became very aware of when and how much water I was using. We're so fortunate to have ample clean water in America. What an opportunity to express gratitude!
>> Help provide a well for a community. Visit to purchase a share of a traditional or deep well. World Vision's water projects around the world have given 10 million people access to clean water and improved sanitation. You can be a part of the solution!
>> Learn more about water and poverty. "Water Wise", teacher's guides adn materials are available at Or find education information online at
More little-known information for you to think about:
Major Uses for Fresh Water:
North America:
>> Domestic Use: 13.3 percent
>> Agriculture: 38.7 percent
>> Industry: 48.0 percent
>>Industry: 7.3 percent
>> Domestic Use: 8.6 percent
>> Agriculture: 84.1 percent
From: World Vision Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Can you feel your mind expanding? Your consciousness awakening? Good!
Now go enjoy your day and be grateful for that glass of water you're drinking!
In Spirit,
Ready for a funny story? I thought you might enjoy a light-hearted look at how some of our actions become deeply ingrained without our conscious knowledge.
Some time ago, my refrigerator handle broke. One of the screws sheared off so the handle was no longer functional As a temporary solution, I re-attached the handle to the other side of the refrigerator (I didn't know our refrigerator was bi-handled :D). This allowed me to open the refrigerator door easily; but the door now swung open the other direction.
Over and over again, I found myself unconsciouly reaching for the refrigerator handle in its OLD location. And over and over again, I had to get conscious and Seek the Handle in its new location. This happened numerous times a day, as you might imagine. And it got darn right funny watching the old, ingrained behavior operating by default.
Days later, I'm still reaching for the handle in the OLD location. It became an amusing metaphor for the old beliefs in my life. How even when we've implemented a new strategy or solution, the old behavior takes a while to clear out. This is a simple example, so imagine if the habit you're wanting to change is to quit smoking, eat healthy, stop being co-dependent, exercise, recover from trauma, etc. It can take a LONG WHILE (days, weeks, months, even years) to clear out (unless you have the benefit of some energy tools like Emotional Freedom Technique "EFT").
Just today, I was remarking about how the habit of reaching for the refrigerator handle in its NEW location has become ingrained and now that the handle is finally being fixed, I'll have to go through the process all over again. (Only this time, I have EFT to shorten the process...Hmmm...this could be VERY INTERESTING!)
Well, that's my story - an amusing one at that. So remember to "Seek the Handle". And if you've got some old beliefs, habits, experiences you would like to release (who doesn't?) in a more timely fashion, consider EFT and consider joining me on Wednesday, May 2nd at 1:15pm Eastern for a teleclass on EFT. You can read more about it here:
Seeking the Handle, :D
P.S. - When I sat down to share this funny story with you, I had no intention of making the connection to EFT and my upcoming teleclass. In fact, it didn't even occur to me. But as I was typing and writing about how long it took to change my old behavior, it occurred to me that EFT could have shortened the transition. SUre, the refrigerator handle is a goofy example, but it's SO REPRESENTATIVE of important habits and behaviors. And now you know...the rest of the story :D
April 29, 2007 in Mind | Permalink | Comments (0)
You may have noticed that Women's Wisdom has been quiet the last few weeks. Previously, we've been exploring our everyday beliefs, the ones we operate from, often unconsciously. I was inspired to go further than just talking about these beliefs, and find a way to help you SHIFT from the old beliefs, to new, empowering ones.
By partnering with a colleague of mine, Ann Ross, who is an EFT Master, we co-created a teleclass series to assist you in releasing - once and for all - old beliefs that get in the way of your success. That's what I've been working on for the last few weeks. So Ta-Da! We're announcing our first inaugural teleclass together - Say Yes to Success (Instead of Maybe).
So often we put conditions on our success based on our fears, beliefs, etc. We want to put an end to that. If you're willing to take a risk, albeit a small one, join us for this transformative teleclass on May 2nd at 1:15pm Eastern. Sign up and details are included below. I hope to see you there!
In Spirit,
P.S. - While this may be Ann and my first teleclass together, I've been teaching teleclasses for over 7 years. I just love the energy of teleclasses - the group dynamics, the wisdom, the synergy, the co-creation and most of all, meeting people from all over the world!
Say "YES" to Success (Instead of "Maybe")
No-cost Teleclass - Wednesday, May 2nd at 1:15 pm Eastern
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like and thoughts become things. As you think, you magnetically attract things which resonate on the same frequency. When you look at your life and see it as a mirror it will be obvious to you where you are not resonating with what you really want. We act as a beacon for all of our thoughts and feelings without exception and we receive what we put out.
So what if you could change your thoughts and beliefs around what is possible for you?
Simply deciding you are going to change them is a great step forward; "practicing" and being aware of changing your thoughts is laudable. However, if you are looking for permanent change and a clearing of your energy system, we have evidence over and over again what energy psychology can do for us. This is the missing link to the Law of Attraction.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) changes your body's energy system and your physiology. You vibrate in line with what you want. Manifestation happens much more quickly when you are in alignment with the right vibration and feelings for what you want. There are no "ifs" or "buts" or "maybes"- it happens as a natural process. If you find it difficult to "allow" (one of the key principles of the Law of Attraction) you simply reduce or even eliminate the core belief that holds you back!
If you want to accelerate your success, break through the barriers that keep you from all the success you desire, or create the dream business you have always wanted that you KNOW you can create, join us for this f*r.e*e. teleclass!
Wednesday, May 2nd at 1:15 pm Eastern
Click here to Sign Up Now! or send a blank email to [email protected]
Don't worry if you can't make the call - you can listen to it later. Register now and we'll send you a link to the call recording shortly after the live call completes.
This teleclass will be transformational and fast paced and held with deep love and compassion. Are you willing to transform? Are you willing to release the negative beliefs that keep you stuck? Are you willing to take the next step?
Your Teachers/Facilitators:
Ann Ross (EFT master and international trainer) - Ann is an EFT Master, a successful executive and business coach, and an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation. For the past nine years she has facilitated change in peak performance and fulfillment coaching for people who want more from their lives, work and relationships. She now trains trainers and anyone in the helping professions, including doctors, psychologists, and psychotherapists in energy techniques. The courses are certified and accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Therapies and integrate Gary Craigs "Guidelines for Trainers". She is an international workshop leader and travels regularly to South Africa as well as facilitating courses in the UK for entrepreneurs. Ann presented at the 1st International EFT Masters Conference in London in November 2006.
Lauren Lee (Master Spirit Coach and Women'sU President) - Lauren is a Spiritual Teacher, Master Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Prosperity Guide and Women'sU President. Her passion is empowering women to awaken their spiritual gifts and their Divine life mission. She specializes in supporting women who have had a career in corporate America (where there is not much room for soul) and found the courage to leave it. Creating a strong, synergistic partnership with her clients, Lauren helps her clients find their voice, their courage, their inner fire and their unshakable core so they can build their successful, passionate, purposeful life (and profitable business).
April 23, 2007 in Courage, Prosperity, Recommended Resources, Success | Permalink | Comments (0)
It takes money to make money.
Anything worth having takes hard work.
You always have to work hard.
These are the beliefs I heard during a recent conversation with some of my friends who are also entrepreneurs. I noticed that speaking these beliefs did not empower the speaker, but instead seemed to create a feeling of defeat and hopelessness. These beliefs surfaced immediately following an inspired conversation about business visons and bold ideas. The beliefs had the effect of squashing the dream before it ever had a chance to become real. Squashed. Dead.
Let's take a closer look at these dream-squashing beliefs, for the sake of dreams everywhere.
It takes money to make money. Fact or fiction?
There are plenty of examples where some money has been used to make more money. That is definitely a possibility. But is it a requirement?
An event could be held to benefit a non-profit group with all services, promotions, advertising and even the location being donated and all labor provided by volunteers. No money required.
How about the dream of building a pottery retreat center? Needs are lodging for people to stay overnight. Options: Start with what you've got using existing lodging on the property or get sponsors to pay for building of cottages in exchange for advertising.
And what about bartering? There are several professional bartering networks around the country where people exchange services like massage, web design, PR, coaching, etc.
Maybe the more accurate belief is: Making money takes an exchange of energy. (the energy can be in the form of dollars or time or labor or...)
Next belief: Anything worth having takes hard work. Fact or fiction?
This one's easy. So winning the lottery isn't worth having? Whew - that's a relief :D Or when you receive a lovely gift from a good friend, it's not worth having because you didn't work hard for it? Really?
Next: You always have to work hard. Fact or fiction?
How do you define working hard? It is working at some task you don't like? Or one that is unpleasant? If you're doing something you enjoy, is it still working hard?
In recent months, my hardest working days have been spent getting dirty, hot/cold, hungry, sore muscles and worn out rescuing starving horses. The last rescue, I worked from 11am to 11pm, non-stop on my day off from my regular work. Did I work hard? You bet. Was it worth it? You bet! These horses were now safe, fed, and never to be hurt again. I never sleep better than when I've been 'all used up' making a difference and serving our fellow sentient creatures.
So I ask you again - If you're working hard (aka expending effort) doing something you love or that honors your values, is it still working hard? And if so, how do you discern it from working hard on something you don't enjoy?
One final note: it is not at all uncommon to have these dream-squashing (DS) beliefs surface immediately following the expression of a dream or a soul's desire. Coincidence? Not likely. These days, I look at these DS beliefs as confirmation of a big dream, a grand vision worth achieving. These DS beliefs also present a fabulous opportunity to clear out what is no longer serving you and definitely not serving your dream. It's just what you need to achieve your dream!
Until next week, In Joy,
P.S. - Need some help clearing out and releasing those dream-squashing beliefs? Consider EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - a fabulous tool for clearing out the old gunk quickly. And watch for my upcoming May Teleclass/Program co-created with Ann Ross, EFT Master, designed especially for Entrepreneurs. Space will be limited to ony 15 participants. More information on EFT, including a downloadable workbook, is available here.
March 21, 2007 in Mind, Prosperity, Success | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: beliefs, believe, dream, EFT, hard work, money, success
A couple of weeks ago, we started off our belief busting journey on a light note by looking into the world of tomatoes. Now you know they come in many colors, including ones you probably didn't know about. Your world has expanded, just a little :)
Last week, we dove into some juicy beliefs about how other people affect us.
This week, let's look at a hard-core, widely-held belief (or two). Are you up for it? If you are, keep reading. If not, then save it for later or hit the delete key. (I promise not to be offended) :D
Fact or fiction? Pasta makes you fat.
I could just have easily written Chocolate Cake makes you fat.
Are these true statements? Maybe you believe they're true for you. But are they universally true for everyone - like say, gravity?
What do you believe about food?
We certainly have plenty of people, advertisements, magazines, and commercials telling us what to believe about food. And then there's the 'experts' - the health professionals, Recommended Daily Allowances and Food Pyramid, all telling us what's best for our body. Notice how their recommendations change over the years.
Pasta makes you fat. Fact of Fiction?
I bet you know someone or know OF someone who can eat all they want and stay the same weight. (If you're lucky, maybe that person is YOU). And I bet you also know someone or know OF someone who even with diet and exercise, just can't get to their desired weight. Wouldn't these two examples seem to indicate there is more to our relationship with food than the 2 beliefs above?
A friend of mine believes pasta will make her fat. Her underlying belief is that pasta has a lot of carbohydrates and carbs make her put on weight. And so it is. (I couldn't live life fully without pasta!)
"Argue for your limitations and they are yours." - Richard Bach, author
Ready for a challenging question? (If not, stop reading now)
To whom do you give your power when it comes to your health?
Does your intuition, guidance, wisdom come first and take top priority? Or do you turn your power over to a diet program, a health guru, a fitness institute or someone else? How is that working for you? :D
I believe our bodies have an intelligent wisdom that knows what we need and when. We've just been trained from an early age... to ignore it!
When was the last time you asked your body before a meal, what it would most like to eat that would make it feel, good, healthy and digest well? If you've never asked - then you're at the start of an exciting adventure - or maybe experiment would be a better word :)
If you have asked, but it's been awhile, I invite you to restart the experiment and ask your body what it wants.
Now, I'm not suggesting that your food intake consist entirely of chocolate cake or pasta. Moderation is best - ask your body. But I am suggesting that what we believe about food and health affects us.
Consider these empowering beliefs:
My body metabolizes everything I eat.
My body can handle any mistakes in my eating.
My body knows what it wants and needs and communicates it to me. And I listen.
And consider taking your power back. You know I'll support you!
Please share the 'results' of your experiment and your health adventure with me. I'd like to know...
In Spirit,
Lauren Lee
P.S. - If you're just starting out on befriending your body and would like support as you get to know your body and it's wisdom, then you might like my dear friend and colleague - Stephanie Wood's - Body Knowledge Program. It starts April 11th and you can read more information here I found it invaluable in getting to know my body and accessing the wisdom within.
P.P.S. - Have an 'everyday belief' that you would like me to investigate? Then send me an email with the belief, and you might just see it in a future Women's Wisdom (I'm happy to acknowledge your contribution too)
March 14, 2007 in Body | Permalink | Comments (0)
Coaches Collaborative: Living an Extraordinary Life
Learn the most easily actionable and achievable ideas for creating a truly extraordinary daily life experience
Kelly Bryson MFT: Don't Be Nice, Be Real: Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others
Larry Wilson: Play to Win!: Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life